Decorah, Iowa, here I come!
First stop was the Vesterheim Norwegian American Museum. Sadly, it was closed but the sun was out and I wanted to get some pix of the front of the building.
I love the architectural details!
And this, I believe, was a mill. What a beauty!!
With such lovely weather, I took some time to explore the town and take a few more photos.
This beautiful mansion was The Porter House Museum.
The fence was particularly intriguing!
When I got back home, I checked their website and found that the wall is made up of "rough rocks, polished gemstones, and ancient fossils." I certainly had a unique look!
There were several churches in town and again I was drawn to their beautiful styles and stained-glass windows.
The sunshine of the day couldn't have been more inspiring.
The stately church spire pointing up to God.
The courthouse was a stunning sight as well.
What a lovely dome with the perfect patina. I'm not so sure I'd want to venture up on that ladder though!
Next, I headed across town to the college to find the Decorah Barn. Well, actually it has a different name but to me it is the Decorah Barn. I was thrilled to see this old gal being so well cared for. (Sorry about that grammatically poor sentence.) It breaks my heart to see old barns going by the wayside. I'm so worried that there won't be many left for future generations to enjoy.
The Decorah Barn - actually called the Ashmore Jewell Barn at Luther College, was the subject of a painting by my friend several years ago. CJ Brown (CJ Brown Studios) and I went to church together during our childhoods. She is a wonderful painter! Her paintings of this barn sold out quickly!
I believe you can find her painting here on her Facebook page:
Finally, before heading out of town, I had to find the magical place that our family visited many years ago. I wasn't sure exactly where this place was or what it was called. In fact, I don't think it even had a sign at the time. Our family stopped to get gas (and it was even a FULL SERVICE gas station run by an elderly man. I thought for a moment we'd been transported back to Mayberry!) Anyway, the man saw that we were hauling a camper and knew we were out-of-towners. He asked if we'd been to Dunning's Springs and proceeded to give us directions to get there. We almost declined but at the last moment decided we could spare a few minutes to check it out. We drove a short distance and entered
a small wooded drive that lead us around a corner into the most lovely, lush, green area backed with a rocky hill. Out of the rocks, flowed an ice cold spring that ran towards us through the thick green grass in a little stream only about 12 inches wide. It was beautiful! Like a hidden gem! There was a picnic table or two and only enough parking lot for about 4 cars. (Sadly, I don't have any photos to share.) We spent some time just enjoying the solitude of the place. The only problem we encountered was leaving. The dear man neglected to tell us that there probably wouldn't be room to turn around with a truck and pop-up camper. I think we had to back out. That part is a little foggy in my memory. (I'm sure that if I'd been the one driving - and backing- it would have forever been blazoned in my mind!)
Soooooooo, I was determined to find the place and see if it looked the same as I remembered.
It was certainly well marked now.
Too bad everything was still brown and boring. The green grass hadn't started to peek through yet in this area. It was April and we were probably here in late June the last time.
I know you're expecting some gorgeous photos here but, because it hadn't greened up, it wasn't as beautiful as I remembered. I'm sure it would be lovely in the summer. Surprisingly, the stream had grown from 12 inches wide to about 5 feet now!
Sooo, if you are passing by Decorah, IA, next summer, stop and experience this little hidden treasure. Take a picnic lunch and spend a little time!

Next stop - my cousins' rug hooking shop - Ewe and Eye Designs in Osage, Iowa.
Graniteware Gal
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