Thursday, March 14, 2013

Found Goodies

Yes, the snow remains here in Northern IL. It's lovely to look at...from inside the cozy warmth of the house, but it does create a bit of cabin fever. So an outing was in order.

Here are the goodies that I picked up a few weeks ago with some of my Christmas money. It was such a treat to be out and about and spoil myself a little!

 a neat wire basket, 2 ricers - one for me and one for my etsy shop, a spool of twine with wonderful repro scissors, a wooden finial - that I plan to add to another project soon, a wire egg separator, some lovely faux greenery - just in time to give the house a spring sprucing, a wooden paddle mold - for sugar - I think, a beautiful piece of tin bake ware, a bail-handled graniteware pail (and a parrrr-tridge in a pear tree).

I need another graniteware pail like a hole in the head but then... I am Graniteware Gal.  :  )
                                                        Have a great day!!


  1. Great finds. I am at
    Have a blessed day

  2. I do love that grey pail---I do not have a grey pail--many others but no grey pail.... I need a grey pail..... and a metal scoop...... and maybe more grey mugs.... *sigh*

  3. Love your blogspot! Think the George and Martha Washington story is priceless! Happy hunting! Please stop over at my blog Country Collectibles,like and joinj the fun! Faith
