Thursday, February 28, 2013

Together At Last

Can't believe I forgot to post this awhile ago. For those who follow me on facebook you've seen this already but for the record....

A few years ago I purchased the wonderful George Washington sugar bowl,
that you see above in my blog header photo,
from my friend Vanessa at Mattie's Menagerie on etsy.

I hoped that somedayI might find his beloved sweetheart  - Martha.
Then one day a few months ago...
as I was clicking around on Etsy,
to my surprise(!!) there she was!
I wasted no time in purchasing her and welcoming her into her new home.

Now they sit...together at last.
They look so happy...don't you think?
Thank you RockinHeartJewelry (on Etsy)!
  Together they sit atop the jelly cupboard in our diningroom (yes, right there in the header photo -George is no longer alone!)

                       Have a great day!     
                                       Graniteware Gal

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Is Spring on the Way??

Yes, I'm getting anxious for spring - although the 6 or so inch blanket of snow we got yesterday is truly beautiful!
    The thought of spring made me think of flowers...
and roses...
and vintage china...
 with flowers and roses.
And today, as hard as it is for me,
I'm making this sweet creamy ivory pitcher
available in my etsy shop
Think how this vintage beauty will look in a white kitchen or dining room
 as part of a pitcher collection!
(Many of these items are available as well.)
                                                    Graniteware Gal

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Comfort Food

With the anticipation of a big snow storm heading our way, today seemed like the perfect time to make a big pot of beef noodle soup and some homemade bread!

Don't you just love the aroma of soup simmering on the stove? I know I do! And it's even better when I 'm using my grandma's old stove. It's certainly given years of faithful service - both to her and to me. I am blessed to have it. They sure don't make them like this anymore!

You can almost smell the bread baking! It was such a treat just to breathe it in on a cold winter's day.
And I was pretty excited about trying out my new marble pastry slab that I picked up at an estate sale a couple weeks ago. It worked wonderfully! Now I just have to find a place to store it.

As we hunker down and listen to the wind howling outside, I think of all our many blessings!
May you stay safe and warm this winter!
                                               Graniteware Gal

Thursday, February 14, 2013

LOVE is in the Air

I hope each of you has someone to hold dear this Valentine's Day -- family, friends, a sweetheart.  The roses were from my sweet hubby. He's a gem!!