Friday, November 30, 2012

More Pix from the NaDa Farm Sale

 Here are more of the photos I promised from the awesome NaDa Farm Barn Sale.
(I'm still having trouble getting my pix to post at the correct size after the second photo. If anyone can help me on that I'd REALLY appreciate it! The first 2 pix of each post are fine but after that I can't adjust the size.)

That said, here are some more of the awesome dealers that sold their wares this past October.
Christie  and her gals from Carter's Cottage in DeKalb, IL, had a great booth!
Rachel Polly had this fabulous upholstered chair!
I picked up some wonderful brown transferware from her booth --
LOVE IT!   Thanks Rachel!
Cracker Jax had gorgeous clothing and shabby chic items.
Check out those beautiful crinolines!

More from Cracker Jax
A few more photos to post...soon.
(Sure would like to get the picture size figured out first though.)
Graniteware Gal   :  )

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wishing You a Blessed Thanksgiving!

How can it possibly be that time of the year again so soon?
This year has gone by much too quickly for me.
It seems my world is spinning at high speed... as it probably is for so many of you.

Yet we all could use time to step back and reflect -
                         reflect on all the blessings we've been given!

Precious family,
wonderful friends,
good health,
freedom to worship                                                                                            
a warm house, good food to eat,
            & all the everyday little things I'm thankful for,
                                           my list could go on & on & on filling pages.       
                       Even in difficult times there are things for which we can be truly thankful.
                                Thank you Lord
                   for all Your blessings unto me!



Sunday, November 18, 2012


What-cha-ma-call-it... Thing-a-ma-jig... Thing-a-ma-bob...What-cha-ma-dinky....
Ever run across those strange things and wonder what they were used for?
I love those kinds of dohickies!  (Does anyone really know the right way to spell these?)
I found one a couple weeks ago that even had me looking on with wonder and curiosity.

Sooooo, I thought you might enjoy taking a stab at it as well.
Great lines! A heavy wired beauty!!  Could be repurposed into soooo many things!
But what was its original purpose??????
What's your guess???
Hint: from a store display 
Answer to a few days.   
                                                             Graniteware Gal   :  )

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Summer's Gone

Yes, summer's gone. Autumn is well underway.  Winter is close at hand.
The seasons change.
The flowers of summer are gone - 'til next year.
But some things stay constant:
the timelessness of roses...

the vintage charm of tarnished silver...

the simplicity of crackly white pitchers...

the spicy scent of fresh-cut rosemary...
the sparkling appeal of prisms...
the delicate glow of metallic gold on white china...
the beauty & delight of homemade soap....
Summer may be gone - where I live - for this year -
but so many lovely things remain...
ever constant.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

More Great Pix from Na-Da

More Great Pix of Na-Da
I want to give a shout out to some wonderful fellow vendors.
These gals at Na-Da had awesome booths!
I only wish I could've made the rounds and taken pix of all of them.
The crowd was on its way & the clouds were rolling in
so I never made it outside to photograph the dealers out there -
but they were wonderful, too!!

                   What a beautiful place to sit and enjoy some java & one of Anne Marie's treats!

Delightful! Skip the diet tonight!
The beautiful daughters of Christie Carter & Anne Marie!
Yes! This really is in a shed!!
Some of the other great vendors - - -
This super gal was the owner of the very first shop that ever stole my heart!!
Now she owns an other great shop - Red Bird Vintage - in Morris, IL
What a sweet shop from Cottage Industry!
Visit her blog- - A Sort of Fairy Tale
A Ruffled Nest even brought in a whole diningroom! What a display! 
This post is getting long so I'll leave it at that.
 I have several more special gals to share with you-
but I'll save them for another post.
                                                  Graniteware Gal :  )




Thursday, November 8, 2012

At the Na-Da Farm Barn Sale

Well, I've done it -- entered Blogland. I'm feeling lost and small and a bit overwhelmed... but thrilled!

It will take awhile to work out the kinks! Like... what's up with the orange font color? And how do I get pictures on my header?? Anyway...

A few weeks ago, I participated in Na-Da. It was fabulous! For anyone who hasn't been there yet all I can say is -  YOU'VE GOTTA GO! Wonderful dealers! Believe me - you can't believe this is in a barn - well, really a big shed. Marvelous!

Here are a few pix from my booth Gray Graniteware Farmhouse.

                                                              A few October things

                                                                  The PRIMITIVES

                                                                   Ready for Winter!

                                                               More of the Shabby look

Many of the things in my booth will be available in my etsy shop. Hop on over for a look-see!

                                                                        Graniteware Gal